Master Key Qigong

17 Weeks to Awaken Your Vitality, Love, and Wisdom

Embark on a Transformative Journey with The Master Key Qigong by Robert Peng

The Legacy of a Qigong Master

Robert Peng's Qigong journey began at the age of eight when he met an enlightened master named Xiao Yao during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Through rigorous training, including a 100-day water fast in a secluded underground chamber in a remote mountaintop monastery, Robert underwent a profound spiritual transformation.

This course encompasses the foundational practices Xiao Yao taught Robert, designed to awaken, empower, and align the four vital energy centers known as The Four Golden Wheels. When this network is activated and connected to the universal energy field, you become infused with good energy, experience deep happiness from within, and develop a more meaningful connection to your environment.

What You Will Learn
In this first-ever on-demand 17-Week online series, Robert will guide you through the core practices he learned from Xiao Yao in their most authentic form. You'll explore:

  • Hologram Palm Empowerment to awaken and empower the three Dantians—the centers of wisdom, love, and vitality.

  • Breathing Empowerment of the Central Meridian to harmonize your body's energy flow.

  • Three Treasures Standing Meditation to deepen your connection to the universal energy field.

  • Four Golden Wheels Exercise to enhance the flow of life force throughout your body.

  • Sword Finger Meditation to enhance your healing power

  • Lotus Meditation to connect your heart with divine energies.

...and much more, in a curriculum designed to transform your energy, improve relationships, and elevate the quality of your life.

Join Us on This Journey

Whether you're seeking healing, spiritual growth, or simply a deeper sense of peace, the Master Key Qigong Series provides the tools and teachings to guide you.

Enroll now and unlock the door to your full potential, embarking on a journey towards health, vitality, and inner peace under the guidance of an authentic Qigong master.