Six Healing Sounds
7 Days of Meditation to De-stress and Rejuvenate and upgrade yourself daily with energy.
Do you remember the feeling of having an emotional outburst? Your lips quiver, your tongue stiffens, your mouth dries up, and your nose breathes heavily like a Spanish fighting bull. Your eyes turn red and hot, and your face turns pale. These are the signs that you are controlled by your emotions. These emotions are like little monsters that emerge from the stress of your different organs, pulling your whole being back and forth.
But do you also remember a beautiful day when everything was in harmony? You were like a boat on a calm lake, drifting peacefully. Your eyes were round and smiling, your lips soft and red, your tongue flexible and speaking only kind words, the flowers smelled tender and soft, and every sound you heard was like beautiful music. Similarly, this beautiful landscape on your face is also a reflection of the contented emotions from your heart, lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys.
In this 7 Days of Meditation to De-stress and Rejuvenate Program, Robert will guide you through the "Six Healing Sounds," one sound each day, to clear the stressful energy from each organ, like a spring cleaning for each room of your house. Then you will learn to recharge positive energy into each organ, just like reorganizing your house. Each day, by cleansing and rebalancing, you will harmonize your body and mind and balance your Yin and Yang. With practice, you will become a true master at harnessing your emotional cart, and every day can be a good day!
“The most comprehensive yet succinct Six Healing Sounds explanation I ever heard. Presented in such a gentle and systematic way, with useful daily feedback, that it resulted in a clear internal experience. Together with the reference materials provided, I now have a solid base from which to practice a routine.”
Read more testimonials HERE
Course Structure:
When you log in, you will receive:
45-60 minutes of focused work on a specific theme and energy cultivation practice each day.
Daily teachings from Robert on a healing sound and meditation that will help clear stressful energy from each organ and recharge it with positive energy.
By cleansing and recharging your organs, you will harmonize your body and mind, balance your Yin and Yang, and become skilled at harnessing your emotions to enjoy a more blissful life.
Day 1: Meditation and chanting to de-stress your triple energizer from fragmentation and defensiveness and recharge it with protection and cohesion.
Day 2: Meditation and chanting to de-stress your liver from anger, frustration, and resentment and recharge it with enthusiasm, forbearance, and forgiveness.
Day 3: Meditation and chanting to de-stress your heart from over-excitement or frenzy and recharge it with joy, leisure, and restfulness.
Day 4: Meditation and chanting to de-stress your spleen from worry, irritability, and pensiveness and recharge it with confidence, satisfaction, and detachment.
Day 5: Meditation and chanting to de-stress your lungs from sadness, grief, and stagnation and recharge them with kindness, contentment, and relief.
Day 6: Meditation and chanting to de-stress your kidneys from fear and jealousy and recharge them with caution and progress.
Day 7: Meditation of all six healing sounds to balance your Yin and Yang and reward yourself with a balanced life.
After the workshop, based on what you’ve learned and practiced, a package of 5-minute meditation exercises of each healing sound will be offered for you to download to practice daily in the future offline!
Frequently Asked Questions:
When does the course start and finish?
It is an on-demand course and you can start your course anytime after you register.
How is the course arranged?
For each of these 7 days, we will spend about 45-60 minutes to work on a particular theme and with energy cultivation and practice.
Do I have to attend 7 days in a row?
No, you don't have to. You can arrange your own pace according to your own schedule. For example, you can arrange these 7 modules every other day, every three days, or every week. Though, if your time allows, we do recommend you do the workshop in 7 days as you can take the advantage to build up your energy and clear your awareness each day and then be ready to apply the practice in your daily life.
Can I have a certificate after finishing the course?
Yes, everyone who completes the course will be granted a certificate of completion. When you register, make sure you put the user name as the name you want to show in your certificate.
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have 18 months full access of the course. When it is close to the expiration, a notification email will be sent. If you plan to extend another 18 months, there is a coupon in the mail for you to reenroll for only $29.
What is your cancelation policy?
If you feel the course is not for you, email us at in the first 5 days and we will give you a full refund (minus the processing fee of the credit card company).
How can I reach customer support?
If you have questions, you can email us at and we will get back to you. Please allow a few business days to get your reply.